About Us
When our combat Warfighters return, they deserve the best support we can give them, which includes a much-needed vacation. We are a family foundation located in Westin, Florida. We assist with reintegration for all service members on active duty and veterans who have served the United States of America. At Warfighters R&R, we understand the importance of Warfighters getting rest and relaxation for their mental health and safety. Our founder served 22 years on active duty with the United States Army and a total of 5 years in the Middle East who fully understands reintegration and recovery with the entire family can be financially difficult. Master Sergeant (retired) Rafael A. Ortiz experienced R&R with the Special Recruiting Assistance Program which paid for a 2 week vacation to a destination preference which helped him with mental health awareness and a variety of professional doctors to receive the best treatment. This also provided him to tell his Army story to the public coming from Afghanistan a 15 month deployment. Unfortunately, this program ended in 2009. Now, we make it our mission to fill that gap.
Mental / Behavorial health management
Mental Health is vital
Dietary science from Immunology labratory results
1 Corinthians 6:19 must live a sober life by treating your body as a temple. Use food as medicine
Once you are rated as a successful reintegration & recovery participant, time to plan an event with your entire family
20 years of war
Summer Whitehouse Maralago April 6, 2017

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